This is Priceless!

This is Priceless!

It has never been more important for Sellers and Buyers to understand how Listing Agents and Buyer’s Agents manage a real estate transaction. Most homes in our market area that are in market ready condition (your agent can help you with this!) and strategically priced-think sweet spot- (and yes, your agent can help you with this!) will sell and sell well. By well, I mean the property will sell at a value and with terms that meets or exceeds comparable properties that are currently on the market or have recently closed.

When you hire a real estate brokerage and pay them a commission, you’re compensating them not only for the time, effort and skill they just put into your transaction, but for the benefit of their connections, resources, knowledge and expertise that have taken years to develop:

·      Network. Agents have trusted resources — from mortgage lenders to inspectors to plumbers— and these relationships can facilitate or uncover opportunities you may never have found.

·      Knowledge. Active agents understand the local market- neighborhoods, current trends and what clients are looking for. This helps you make informed decisions.

·      Negotiations. Agents hone these skills over many, many transactions. This can help you get the best price for your property — or help get you the home of your dreams.


·      Agents save you time. Agents provide analytics, market research, critical strategy and behind the scenes are talking with other agents, handling lots of paperwork and facilitating the deal.


·      The fine print. There is a growing amount of legal paperwork required in a transaction. An experienced agent can help you navigate contracts, quickly, reducing the risk of costly mistakes.


·      Issues.  Every transaction has its challenges. Agents have encountered and overcome many hurdles, so they know where to go when issues arise.

·      Resource for life.  Agents can offer advice on future home improvements, keep you up to date on market trends and where the market is in the event you’re contemplating a move.

·      Managing emotions – BIG. Buying or selling a home is often emotionally charged. An experienced agent can help ensure that those emotions don’t cloud judgment or derail a transaction.

An agent’s commission is compensation the many hours and many dollars they have invested to develop the skill and instincts that help you achieve your goals. You benefit from their connections, resources, knowledge and expertise.

And that is value that we find, frankly, priceless.